
Hi, I’m Mass,

Your mobile athletic trainer, strength coach, and most importantly... your guide on the road to recovery and your coach to the next level in your life.

I have a heart for anyone making a comeback from an injury because of my past struggles, as well as my passion for sports and fitness. I also care about sharing the secret of strength with you because of how it’s impacted my life quality of life.

I love sports. I love people. And I am well too acquainted with injury. This led me to athletic training, so I could learn about the body, how it heals, and how to treat and rehab different orthopedic injuries.

When I started working for the 76ers I found another piece of the puzzle.

While there, I found myself taking care of others, but not myself. I got out of routine…not sure if you can relate. My body and mind were degrading, and that is not a way we should have to live. The less I moved the more I noticed the return of aches and pains from my old injuries. The two variables that made the most impact were consistent, intentional movement and actually getting back in the weight room to build true strength. This has ultimately led me to place my focus on coaching strength and fitness as a foundation to help athletes and others return to sport and feel good by becoming strong.

That being said, my niche is athletes but I work with anyone who has goals, positivity, and a willingness to work hard. I use the same philosophies and principles in my programs, while catering specifically to your goals and needs:


  1. First, I’m I’ll come to you: your house, your gym, your park, AND your phone or computer through virtual coaching and online programming.

  2. Your safety will be put first. I use a gradual progression with my training based on your level of experience or if you have an injury. We will use caution, but also adjust in real time based on your individual progress.

  3. I’ll listen. I’m here to listen to your story, because its unique and life can be hard. Because at the end of the day, I’m here to help with your goals, not mine; to be the guide in your recovery story; to help get you to your destination. Which means I’m also here to push you, so you get there.

  4. It will only work, if you do. I can show you the way but can’t do the work for you!

  5. You are worth the time and investment it takes to hire and work with a coach, specifically when choose to work with me.



As a former athletic trainer in the NBA, my coaching is fusion of sports medicine and exercise science based principles that I've obtained from professional experience and study. So my plans and coaching style will reflect this and will vary based on the person because everyone is different. If you want to feel sore and sweat a lot you can find many generic programs anywhere online. But you have to ask yourself what programs will be personally effective for you and if the results will translate to the field, the court, or your day to day life. And this is what I'll bring to the table. To really increase your strength and athletic performance, you need proper execution of the movement: technique and quality. You need proper execution of movement and a plan. This also includes a plan for your recovery. I can be a one stop shop for you by providing your training and hands on recovery techniques. Together, we can make a plan for what that looks like, based on your interest.

Injury Prevention & Safety:

That being said, the next question is, are you doing the exercise right? We are here to prevent injuries, not create them. That's why I believe to enhance your body's toughness against injury AND to gain optimal strength and athletic performance, you need proper execution of the movement. So I focus on quality and technique, especially if you are an online client. And like I said, everyone's body is different. With my own body I've found the best ways to get results while protecting my joints and building resilience against future injuries. I'll do the same for you.

A holistic approach:

I treat each person as their own athlete – whether you are one or not – by focusing on what you need to move, perform, and function on a daily basis. What do I mean by this? We tend to expect professional athletes to take great care of their body and health because it is “how they make a living,” but isn’t that important for all humans to excel in life? No matter what you do for a living, if you want to perform AND function at a high level, or plain and simple just feel good, then you need to make your body and health a priority as well. Movement and fitness are massive for fully optimizing our lives, but they are just part of the equation. That is why my coaching focuses on all the things that will optimize your health & performance. Before we start your training programs, expect us to take a deep dive into your nutrition, hydration, sleep, daily habits, and routines, as well as other factors that influence your performance. From there we implement strategies or changes that will optimize your energy & your life in a way that’s sustainable for you.

Keep Movin':

Motion is lotion and exercise is like an all-in-one health, super pill. It has so many benefits. Movement, even if you are limited in the types you can perform, mobilizes your mind. And that’s important, because your mind is the motor that actually drives you to keep getting up and putting in the work that has to be done. It's a positive, mental-physical cycle. With this concept, I show you how to optimize your recovery process and maximize your results whether you are injured or healthy.