Helping you permanently transform your health without becoming overwhelmed or burnt out in the process.


Does this sound familiar to you?

At the start of January every year you decide you are going to make a change. You are going to crush your goals. You are going to be a healthier person, a stronger athlete, a super mom, an employee of the year…the list goes on and on. Maybe you’ve said one of these common phrases “I’m going to get my **** together.” “I’m gonna go HAM.” “I’m going all out.” “This year is going to be different.”

But if you’re at all like me, you’ve said this once before (or twice…or 5-10 times). You’ve had moments of momentum, even decent success, maybe even for a full year! But eventually your motivation fizzled out. Life happened (as it always will), and it drove you back to bad habits or you just left your goals on the shelf. Now somehow you find yourself in that familiar place, back where you started…wherever that is for you.


You are one (or a few of the following):

  • Out of shape, just started working out for the first time, & want to transform your health habits & body… but you don’t know where to begin & need to develop the mental fortitude to do so

  • A former athlete who wants to get back into the condition & discipline you once knew

  • A frequent gym-goer or athletically driven person looking to feel better, maximize your recovery, & give yourself that mental & physical edge in any way you can

  • You just want to stay fit, be strong, & feel better…but like most people you’re short for time, have some aches & pains, and are wondering what are the best workout parameters for your body at this time. (how much? How long? What type of movements? What food?)


I know you related to a lot of this, and the truth is that I can as well…

In fact, I was all of the people listed above at one point or another in my life. It wasn’t until I changed my mindset, perspective, & strategy on how I approached health, that I started to move the needle forward. Through my past work experiences with athletes in the NBA to the weekend warriors, I’ve created solid systems to support individuals at their current fitness levels and beyond.  I’ve also navigated through my own injuries, and I’ve found the best ways to get results while protecting my joints, building resilience, & feeling my best. So in my 4-month program, I’m here to deliver you both the mindset AND the plans you need to optimize your health (aka - get in shape and feel great!)

But full optimization isn’t a sprint. It’s a process. One that takes consistency. It takes strategy, trying new things, seeing what works for you, and help from others. And that’s where I come in as your guide on your health journey.

Whoever You are.

Wherever you're at on your health journey.

This program is for you.

 I want you to look at this equation for what usually happens to people’s goals at the start of every new year…


does this sound like you?


You can’t rush greatness.


Motivation will only get you so far.


Whatever your goal, I understand that your sport is your passion, your business, your moneymaker, your chance, or your dream, I take it seriously. 

As an NBA athletic trainer, I’ve been immersed in the professional sports setting. I know what’s demanded at a high level. I’ve worked directly with great clinicians, coaches, and athletes. My coaching reflects a combination of all my knowledge, experience, and tricks of the trade, fused with my own unique methods.


Why is my coaching different?

1) I help you step by step to create sustainable health habits PLUS the vision you need; a long term vision. A vision of health as a lifestyle. Now usually people freak out when they hear about “making health a lifestyle,” because they think that means they will have to eat lettuce for the rest of their lives and cut out all the things they love to eat or drink. But that’s not what my coaching is about. 

2) A combination of 1-on-1 personalized coaching (you’ll see my face and can chat with me regularly) + the convenience and efficiency of online coaching and workout programs.


This program is about habit formation & gaining a holistic perspective. It’s about physical training, but it’s just as much about mental training. This program isn’t about six pack abs in 30 days. It’s about creating a strong mind…but in a sustainable fashion. And sustainable means a pace and plan personalized to you that allows you to enjoy life, not dread it.


 the quick details

  • Minimum of 4 months (we are building some serious momentum)

  • Creating personalized goals that are based on you. Not whatever anyone else is doing or what anyone else thinks you should be doing.

  • It’s not a “90 Days to get shredded program” (remember that didn’t work last year). We are focusing on consistency, discipline, simplicity, & the mindset to make lasting changes. And yes, that can lead to the sexy shredded look you might desire.

  • Together, we go over your current health status & goals, make a plan, & customize strategies to begin your program

  • Catered to your goals, needs, & limitations. Your program will be adjusted & changed throughout the 4-month process based on your needs, our communication, and progress

  • Walking you through the key elements of mindset, fitness, nutrition, & holistic health that will help you reach your goals AND the strategies to implement what you learn

  • with me for accountability, coaching, & adjustments to your programs. Each session is 30-45 minutes long

  • to me plus a weekly check-in over text for additional coaching

  • Your workouts, habit tracking, coaching course, and supplemental materials will all be easily accessed and viewed through a smooth and organized mobile app you can use on your computer or phone

 what’s included in the program

Cost: $2,000 ($500 a month)

 Through my method of coaching you will…

  • learn how to implement small habits that make a big difference in how you feel

  • make longer term, sustainable changes to your health

  • have more energy & focus

  • manage stress & restore work/life balance

  • receive a plan of action with efficient workouts you can complete in the time you have

  • Optimize your workouts & get better results than ever before

The main components of my coaching, the video course, & supplemental materials you will receive include…



for strength, mobility, stress relief, & to create mental clarity & momentum


building a healthy relationship w/ food, food as fuel, universal nutrition principles


how to prioritize it, actually get it, &  its benefits

Stress Management

 relaxation, play, mindfulness

And more habits for human optimization

walking, morning routines, working, hydration, life hacks, etc.


If you are ready to make a transformation to a sustainable, healthy lifestyle (one without giving up all the foods you like or having to workout all the time), then click the button below to sign up for a connection call with me. If there goals you’ve been thinking about for so long, but taken no action towards them, don’t wait any longer.


1-on-1 Coaching

I offer in person and virtual 1-on-1 coaching sessions that include movement assessment, performance testing, and program design. I’m your guide on your quest to build strength, athleticism, fitness, and healing.

Online Coaching & Programming

Need a coach from a distance or trying to save time? Get individualized programs and video instruction all in the palm of your hands. Create a package from what I offer that matches your goals and the level of accountability and communication you want to have with me.

Recovery & Mobility Sessions

Feeling fatigued, sore, or tight? Book a personal recovery session with me that includes table stretching, along with other mobility techniques and drills. Take care of your body, increase range of motion, and enhance your performance.

I WILL coach YOU at any stage of the spectrum


The key ingredient to effective recovery; the secret sauce that gets you the most out of your physical training.


Not all “agility drills” are created equal. Get the recipe for enhancing your reaction with sport-specific exercise.


Proper mechanics, technique, and neuromuscular activation make a huge difference. Add speed to your strength and you’ve got power.


There is no substitute for strength. A solid foundation positively affects all other areas of performance and injury prevention.

Who I work with….

Mass has worked with…


Kind Words…


Connect with me:

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